Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Man Ray Day ! ! ! !

Even the words “Master of all” fall terribly short to describe the talent of Man Ray. Man Ray was born into a Russian Jewish immigrant family in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on 27th August 1980. He spent most of his childhood in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Ray was born named Emanuel Radnitzky but the family changed their last name to Ray fearing discrimination because of the raging anti-Semitism sentiments in the US at the time. Most of the people who knew him as 'Manny' first name and started to be known as Man Ray.

After finishing his leaning at Boy’s high school, his drafting and art techniques earned him a scholarship in architecture. His parents helped him with his decision and helped him set up his own studio at the family properties, where Ray worked towards becoming a pro painter for four years while working as a technical illustrator and commercial artist. His chance work with art dealer and photographer, Alfred Stieglitz should him into the famous world of photography. Stieglitz helped Ray learn the basics of the art and develop his own style of photography.

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